
Pole vault Vlog's/ Tutorials

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Pole Vault: Swing up Tutroial

Published on Jan 1, 2014
This is just a quick explanation of how to do, and improve your swing ups for the pole vault. It has alot of bar work and explanations on the swing up phase for pole vaulting. I hope that this helps and sereves as a tool to improve form. 

Pole Vault: Pole Drop and Plant tutorial

Published on Feb 23, 2014
This is just a quick explanation of the pole drop in the pole vault! Explaining the three main phases of the drop with the form and technique that is involed to help with the plant, before going into the swing up phase. Check out my other turuorial on the swing up to see what happens after the plant!

Pole Vault: Hand Wrap Tutorial

Published on Jan 10, 2014
Just a quick tutorial on how to wrap your hands before vaulting, or doing any type of bar work. Its good for protecting your hands so that calluses will not burst and mess up your hand. It also works great for griping purposes!



Hey guys, I'm sorry for not posting in 2 months. A lot has happened and because of everything going on, I had to put my Vlogs on hold. Now the past is behind me and I'm back to making my Vlogs. This Vlog starts where I left off in my season and basically shows the end of my sophomore pole vaulting career. Now as it's summer, I am doing more training and venture into Gymnastics. This Vlog is by far the most creative and nicest video I have made so far!


Published on Apr 23, 2014
Hey guys so alot has happened in the past 2 weeks! I did so vaulting traveling, and broke my first Pole!!! So I hope you guys enjoy the video! 


Published on Apr 6, 2014
I am doing this Vlog on new software in hopes that it is alot better than the others. This Vlog had footage from my 1st place win at the King Froshsoph Classic meet, how to make a Zang-a-Rang smoothie, and what happens when there are cheerleaders on a beach. I hope that you all enjoy this style of Vloging!

Published on Mar 16, 2014

I'm sorry for not making Vlogs for the the past few weeks, but Im back and better than before. This Vlog has vaulting, healthy eating, underwater vaulting, and so much more! I hope you all enjoy!!!


Published on Feb 16, 2014
This video has the most vaulting compared to my others! Renaud Lavilllenie sets new Pole Vault World Record! Seeing alot of progress over time which is awesome! Next 2 week is the last training weeks before offical track season! 

Published on Feb 2, 2014

Im sorry for the situation with my camera, but I promise I will try not to forget it again! This week there was an allcomers meet, It was very interesting with all that had happened and some of the problems. Overall this week wasn't bad  it could have been way better!

Published on Jan 24, 2014
This is by far my favorite Vlog! Packed with tons of vaulting and fun it a great video! Pole Vault summit was this weekend and some of the worlds best Vaulters were there! I have the footage from the Elite competion and a few Olympians on here! 

Published on Jan 12, 2014

I had a meet this weekend and that went well, on top of alot of other exciting things. Pole vault summit is This kupcomming weekend and I will be flying out on Thursday, I am really excited and cant wait to meet all the other vaulters.I am looking into having the T-shirts made really soon let me know what you think of them!


Published on Jan 5, 2014
Happy New Year Guy's! Its the first Vlog of the year and there is alot to look forward to, with saturday meets and Reno's Pole Vault Summit. This week is my last week of self training, no training with the pits and gym. I hope you guys like the new vlog! 

Published on Dec 29, 2013
This week was Christmas and I received a Go-Pro, but it wasn't responding with my computer so I lost a lot of my vaulting footage. I decided to make tutorial so those who watch the Vlogs have a better understanding and i can make the Vlogs more Personal. In the end I up in my failed attempts and talked about looking on the bright side and what there is to be learned. I'm also going to Pole Vault Summit so let me know if your going!

Published on Dec 22, 2013
Wednesday is Christmas and I guess you can call this a holiday Vlog. Thisis going a bit more in depth on the swing up phase. and full extensions for the vault. Also there is alot of other fun things that have happened throughout the week. If you have any questons comment or email me!

Published on Dec 15, 2013

This is the second week that I have been making these Vlogs, based on Pole vault and other events taking place through out the week.I have some training that was done this week with alot of other exciting things, that took place. There is a teaching portion on how you should be holding your poles, also how to find proper grip. 

Published on Dec 9, 2013

So, this is my first Vlog and I am really excited to start making more. If you have any questions, I am more than happy to answer them. I'm pretty sure next week I will have some basic training and simple mechanics of pole vaulting. Like I said, ask me things and maybe, I will mention your questions in the Vlog!

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"Everything and Anything Pole Vault" - Scott Powers